Powering Up Britain

With the recent release of the UN’s ‘survival guide’ to avert climate disaster, which says we are likely to breach the critical 1.5C in the 2030s, the Government’s new Powering Up Britain Energy Security Plan is welcomed by all of us operating in the green energy and renewables sector. We especially welcome the extension of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme until 2028. Boosting the UK’s energy security and independence, reducing household energy bills and ultimately getting to Net Zero is a step forward. Now, collectively, we need to shift towards cleaner and more affordable energy sources, and as individuals, ensure we’re improving our homes for the best chance of being Net Zero too.

The key deliverables of the Energy Plan include larger infrastructure focused projects including investment into the UK’s offshore wind industry with an eye on new technology; Great British Nuclear; boosting EV charging points and infrastructure; and the Net Zero Hydrogen fund to offshore develop green hydrogen production. Closer to home, HIES was pleased to see other measures in the Energy Plan including: a commitment to Carbon Capture and Storage – it’s great generating energy but we need to be able to store and access it too; round five of the incentivised investment into renewable electricity; the Great British Insulation Scheme (previously known as ECO+) to upgrade 300,000 of the country’s least energy efficient homes; a new £30 million Heat Pump Investment Accelerator; and an extension of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme until 2028.

Boiler Upgrade Scheme extended

We are particularly pleased to see that the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) will continue until 2028. The extension of the scheme, which provides grants of up to £6,000 towards a heat pump for homes in England and Wales, is a welcome move that reflects what HIES members are telling us. Our members want to continue to invest to expand more and more into this area but need the peace of mind and surety of a long-term, sustainable market. The extension of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme coincides with aims to ensure a minimum of 600,000 heat pumps are being installed annually from 2028.

Help is at hand – for installers

With new regulations and funding being announced so regularly now, HIES makes sure that we keep up to date on behalf of our installer members. We provide advice about Government schemes and grants, which are likely to keep changing as we accelerate towards Net Zero. It is our job at HIES to make sure all information is current and available, removing any worry installers may have about keeping on top of this changing landscape.

Help is at hand – for homeowners

We have a vast network of vetted and accredited installers across the UK ready and waiting to help homeowners who want to go green.